Saturday 16 September 2023

Final Solution

 Thinking Activity:- Final Solution

Hello Readers and Viewers! This blog is assigned by Vaidehi ma'am. In this blog I am going to discuss some questions, which was given by Vaidehi ma'am of the play 'The Final Solution' by Mahesh dattani.

About Writer:-

Mahesh Dattani:-

Mahesh Dattani is an Indian director, actor, playwright and writer. He wrote such plays as Final Solution, Dance like a Man, Bravely Fought the Queen, on a Muggy Night in Mumbai, Tara and The Big Fat City. He is the first playwright in English to be awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award. Mahesh Dattani writes stories that reflect the world he knows well. He talks about the society and places he's familiar with. His imagination comes from his own experiences and understanding of the culture around him. He uses his writing to show the truth to people, like using a mirror to show them what's real.

About Play:-

 'Final Solution':-

"Final Solution" by Mahesh Dattani was first performed on July 10, 1993, against the backdrop of the Babri Masjid demolition in 1992. This event reignited communal tensions in India, evoking memories of the partition and its tragic aftermath. The play reflects this tense environment and explores the impact of prejudice and hatred on individuals and communities. It serves as a reminder of the scars that history can leave and the urgency of healing divisions within society.

Let's discuss some questions which was assigned by Vaidehi ma'am as a part of thinking activity.

Q. 1 What is the significance of the title "Final Solution" by Mahesh Dattani and what is the final solution of the play?

Final Solution is a play written by Indian playwright Mahesh Dattani. It was first performed in 1993. The title itself carries a significant historical and symbolic weight due to its associated with the Holocaust during world war II, where the term "Final Solution" was used as a euphemism by the Nazi regime to refer to their plan to systematically exterminate the Jewish population. 

The play 'Final Solution', the title carries a multi-layered meaning that reflects the complexity of the themes explored within the narrative. The play is set against the backdrop of communal tensions between Hindus and Muslims in India, and it examines the various ways in which prejudice, hatred and violence can escalate, leading to catastrophic consequences.

Title represent the culmination of hatred that can potentially result in the destruction of lives, relationships and communities. The play highlights the urgency of addressing these issues before they escalate into irreparable tragedy.

Q.2 What was the difference you observed in the movie and play you performed?

Personally I found no any  major difference between movie and play. But when we performed some scenes from the play we learnt lot many things. We can feel the different emotions which are very major in the play. We can feel emotions like  smiling and laughing.  But when we watched movie we can easily feel all  emotions. So, these all are the some difference between movie and performing play. During the performance we observed many things which we can not learnt from the movie. We made some mistakes and find some major issues. But after performing a play we improve our dramatic performance. So this is all about my personal opinion about differences between movie and play.

Q. 3 Share your thoughts on understanding drama through drama- based pedagogy or involvement in theatrical practice. 

Drama based pedagogy:-

In the drama based pedagogy we used many technical tools like, Camera. And we learnt about lighting, Music and editing methods in video editing. We learned How to record one scene of particular play or Drama. Drama based pedagogy means  theater education.  participation of students in the drama is very important, as well as communication skills and collaborative work play very vital role in the drama. In the drama characters and scenes play significant role. Many times I forgot dialogues and trying to remember all the dialogues of the selected scene, it's very difficult for me to remember all the dialouges. Overall, drama based pedagogy is a dynamic approach. So, this all about my understanding about drama based pedagogy.

Q. 4 What kind of skills do you develop while undergoing the preparation process for a performance and how?

The performance of the drama requires lots of things. Teamwork and Creativity is very important in the process of performing drama. While we prepared a particular scene we learnt about some technical skills, like recording of scenes, music and editing. During the performance we not  learnt only about skills but also learnt about different types of emotions like, sad and happy, also learnt about how to cry and laugh. Overall, while we prepared any particular drama we used many different skills. So, this is all about my understanding about how to perform a particular scene from the drama. 

Happy Learning ✨

Thank you for reading and visiting.

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